2023 fascicolo III


Vannina Marchi van Cauwelaert, Les Corses, acteurs « internationaux » au bas Moyen Âge ? Lecture croisée des archives aragonaises et génoises (XIIIe-XVe siècle)

Located in the heart of the Western Mediterranean and ten kilometres far from Sardinia, Corsica was one of the major issues of the war between Genoa and the Crown of Aragon, in the 14th and 15th centuries. Within the current replacements of the study of diplomacy based on the notion of ‘actors’, this article, should aim to decode the ambitions, means and limits of the diplomatic actions of the Corsican people, in Barcelona and Genoa.


Mathieu Harsch, Strutture del consumo di abbigliamento alla fine del Medioevo

This paper studies the structures of clothing consumption at the end of the Middle Ages. First, it concentrates on the actors of the clothing consumption market, highlighting the existence of two main groups of trade, one focused on the sale of fabrics and the other on the manufacture of clothing. It then traces the customer journey, i.e. the practice of consumers purchasing fabric to turn into clothing, and sales, specifically, the elements contributing to the formation of consumer prices. Finally, it focuses on the influence of dyeing colors on consumer prices, a theme which explores the question of preference in clothing colors in the late Middle Ages.


Léa Renucci, L’Arcadie. Un réseau académique italien au siècle des Lumières 

This article examines the academy degli Arcadi, founded in Rome in October 1690, through its institutional, epistolary, and relational networks. The originality of this academy is to be composed of 103 local settlements, in addition to the Roman site, called colonies, distributed almost entirely in the cities of the Italian peninsula. This paper studies the constitution of the institutional network between 1690 and 1800, then analyzes the epistolary network and the peninsular coordination organized from Rome. It will also question the circulations and the mobilities of the members of Arcadia. This study is based on the epistolary archives of the academy degli Arcadi.


Giacomo Carmagnini, Tra politica e metafisica. Gli idéologues e la repubblica ideale 

The essay aims to examine the historical-political path of the group of philosophers and intellectuals known as idéologues, from its origins to the end of the French revolutionary decade. Historiography has rediscovered these descendants of philosophes only in relatively recent times, but it has not yet comprehensively examined their political action within the revolutionary context. The study will demonstrate that, thanks to a precise epistemological theory, the group of idéologues was able to give a precise direction to the policy not only French, but also European.



Maria Ginatempo, Beni pubblici e crescita economica: il contributo della ricerca archeologica. A proposito di un recente volume

Results, open issues and new perspectives of a book that deals with the theme of public goods and their economic and environmental impact between the 9th and 11th centuries are discussed, in the light of the growing wealth and abundance of material evidence now available and in the hypothesis of a their role as engines of growth in the early stages of European economic expansion.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Antonio Musarra, Urbano II e l’Italia delle città. Riforma, crociata e spazi politici alla fine dell’XI secolo (Mauro Ronzani)

So Nakaya, Raising claims. Justice and commune in late medieval Lucca (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Elisabetta Falcolini, Il magnifico oratore. Ventisei lettere di Francesco Vettori a Goro Gheri e a Lorenzo duca d’Urbino (1517-1518) (Francesca Klein)

Giacomo Cardinali, Il cardinale meraviglioso. L’avventura editoriale di Marcello Cervini (1539-1555) (Lorenz Böninger)

Ferñao Mendes Pinto, Peregrinazione, a cura di Guia Boni (Nicoletta Bazzano)

Andrea Riccardi, La guerra del silenzio. Pio XII, il nazismo, gli ebrei (Virginia Minnucci)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770