2024 fascicolo I


Knut Görich, Un avvenimento e la sua ricezione. Federico Barbarossa e Alessandro III a Venezia nel 1177

The Peace of Venice between the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III (July 1177) ended a conflict that had broken out with the election of two popes in 1159. Due to the growing interest in the forms of symbolic communication, the peace agreement attract special attention in recent research. This applies in particular to the public prostration of the emperor before the pope in front of the church of S. Marco. Was this actually connected with a demonstrative humiliation of the emperor? Or is the emperor’s humiliation a phenomenon of the later reception of the event, which was no longer interested in the entire context of the peace agreement?


Erika Amati, I ‘vicini’ del vescovo. Proprietà immobiliare, logiche di potere e gestione dello spazio urbano della chiesa episcopale di Como (secoli XIII-metà XIV)

The article investigates the urban real estate of the Episcopal church of Como during the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. The study of assets, management practices and social groups responsible for administering the Episcopal property offer the opportunity to reconstruct the logic of spatial control employed by the bishops, which influenced the city’s environment and topography over the long term.


Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Une écologie au travail : la ville médiévale face à son empreinte environnementale

The history of the relationship between the medieval city and the environment remains to be written. The essay goes on to analyse – in a comparative dimension – situations relating to central and northern Italy. It leads the reader, through an analysis of sources, especially regulatory and deliberative ones, to grasp the environmental sensitivity and concerns of the legislators and their awareness of the need to exercise control over the environment in order to guarantee the health of the urban community, as well as it prosperity and well-being. These policies then become the basis for identifying models of intervention, thus suggesting new avenues for the study of urban ecology and actually reformulating its main questions.


Andrea Addobbati, Post occasio calva: Lord Fauconberg e il negoziato anglo-toscano del 1670-71

In 1670, Charles II Stuart felt the need to re-establish a dialogue with the states of the Italian peninsula, interrupted during the civil war and the Interregnum. To this end he used an envoy extraordinaire, Lord Fauconberg, who was instructed to enter into political and commercial negotiations with Turin, Genoa, Florence and Venice. Celebratory accounts not withstanding, the mission was a disaster: only the court of Savoy seemed interested in establishing alliances and
collaboration. In the following essay, we follow in the footsteps of the ambassador, paying particular attention to the Tuscan stage, the most embarrassing and unsuccessful episode in the tour.



Michael Knapton, Preludio al Ghetto

The essay discusses the monograph published in 2021 by Renata Segre, Preludio al Ghetto di Venezia. Gli ebrei sotto i dogi (1250-1516). Based on very extensive archival research in Venice and elsewhere, the book contributes much new information especially for Jewish presence in the mainland dominion during the 15 th century. The essay seeks to relate the volume to historiographcal context, and examines some of the many issues raised by Segre.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

The Emergence of New Peoples and Polities in Europe, 1000-1300, ed. by Walter Pohl, Veronika Wieser, Francesco Borri (Marco Muresu)

Manifestare e contrastare il dissenso (secoli XI-XIV), a cura di Maria Pia Alberzoni e Roberto Lambertini (Enrico Faini)

José Ángel Sesma Muñoz, Oro blanco. La lana de Aragón en el Mediterráneo medieval (siglos XIII-XV) (Sergio Tognetti)

Ilaria Taddei, La Prudence au pouvoir. Florence, XIV e -XV e siècles (Michele Lodone)

Santa Maria degli Angeli a Firenze. Da monastero camaldolese a biblioteca umanistica, a cura di Cristina De Benedictis, Carla Milloschi, Guido Tigler (Esther Diana)

José Lingna Nafafé, Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic Abolitionist Movement in the Seventeenth Century (Michaela Valente)

Christian Jansen/Oliver Janz, Geschichte Italiens. Vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart (Anna Maria Voci)

Giacomo Girardi, I beni degli esuli. I sequestri austriaci nel Lombardo-Veneto (1848-1866) (Virginia Minnucci)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770