2012 fascicolo II


Luigi Andrea Berto, L’immagine delle élites longobarde nella Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum di Erchemperto

The goal of this article is to analyze how the crisis of southern-Italy Lombards is described in the Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum by the Cassinese monk Erchempert (the main narrative source for the history of ninth-century southern Langobardia). In particular, it aims at emphasizing how this author, who lived through the most tragic part of that period, wished to demonstrate that the Lombard elites caused that drastic decline and that the successes of their enemies were only an effect of the crisis.


Luca Demontis, Stefano di Spagna, frate Predicatore e arcivescovo di Torres

This paper aims to investigate the life of Friar Stephen of Spain OP, the first member of a Mendicant order to become archbishop of Torres. Stephen became Saint Dominic’s confessor, and then prior of the province of Lombardy from 1225 to 1236. Moreover, the pope appointed him Apostolic Visitor with the task of reforming several monasteries. He also distinguished himself in the struggle against the heresy and in the organisation of the Inquisition in Lombardy. In 1249, he was appointed archbishop of Torres and Apostolic Legate to Sardinia with the mandate of reforming the religious institutions. With a change in papal policy following the election of pope Alexander IV, Friar Stephen was part of the diplomatic delegation that the commune of Pisa and the archbishop Federico Visconti sent in 1256 to the court of Alfonso X, king of Castile, to recognize Alfonso as emperor and obtain important commercial privileges and military assistance in Tuscany.


Andrea Zorzi, Consigliare alla vendetta, consigliare alla giustizia. Pratiche e culture politiche nell’Italia comunale

In a medieval society social and political relations were led by the concepts of “friendship” and “enmity” and the logic of revenge was central. The education of a communal citizen was also education to revenge seen as a conscious choice, the result of a consilium and not an impulsive behavior. Within the numerous moral and pedagogical treatises that elaborate models of behavior, the term “vindicta/ vendetta” has more than one meaning, signifying both retaliation and penal justice. The interpretation that sees “public” justice stem from “private” revenge can, therefore, be discussed and reversed. It, actually, appears to be the logic of “private” revenge that gives shape to penal justice.


Eleonora Plebani, Una fuga programmata. Eugenio IV e Firenze (1433-1434)

On May 29, 1434, pope Eugenio IV left Rome coming down the Tevere in a small boat and then sailed to Porto Pisano on a Florentine galley. June 23rd, 1434, the pope entered Florence. The essay, using unpublished documents of State Archive in Florence, aims both to show in detail that the departure of the pope from Rome was not a sudden action due to adverse circumstances but the result of a project built, since the autumn of 1433, by the group of cardinals close to the pope and by the Albizzi faction. The article follows the organization of the project from the political, military and economic point of view, pointing out the reasons that determined the decisions of the promoters.



Marco Spallanzani, L’abito di Fiammetta Adimari Strozzi alle nozze del Magnifico

An account book of Filippo Strozzi contains the prices of the clothes that his wife, Fiammetta Adimari Strozzi, wore in 1469 on the occasion of the sumptuous marriage of Lorenzo il Magnifico with Clarice Orsini. Fiammetta selected a cotta of domaschino chermisi broccato d’oro and, over this, a giornea of velluto paonazzo chermisi. The silk alone cost over 180 florins.



Paolo Simoncelli, Di un volume recente e della ripresa di una tradizione storiografica

Stefano Dall’Aglio reopens a page of European history with a fundamental research on the tyrannicide Lorenzino de’ Medici and on the Republican Florentine exiles in the years of the French-Habsburg war. The book brings back to life a venerable ethical and political historiographical tradition, often correcting and adding substantial new information to some fundamental works belongings to this noble scholarly tradition, which saw a decline in the past half century due to the rise of ephemeral ideological trends of social history.


Stefano Calonaci, Educazione, pratiche di mestiere, cultura, propaganda. A proposito del volume Saperi a confronto nell’Europa dei secoli XIII-XIX

This essay investigates the rich world of the transmission of knlowledge and competences in Modern Europe. This reflection has been suggested by the volume Saperi a confronto nell’Europa dei secoli XIII-XIX, M. P. Paoli ed., Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2009, and by the recent literature on the theme of diffusion of knowledge. It is evident the changing in perception of the traditional disciplines of knowledge and the various actors and places, not only schools, that populate that universe in  the ancient regime.



Riccardo Rao, Il villaggio scomparso di Gazzo e il suo territorio. Contributo allo studio degli insediamenti abbandonati (Giuliano Pinto)

Gabriele Taddei, Castiglion Fiorentino fra XIII e XV secolo. Politica, economia e società di un centro minore toscano (Gian Paolo G. Scharf)

Silvia Diacciati, Popolani e magnati. Società e politica nella Firenze del Duecento (Enrico Faini)

Sarah Rubin Blanshei, Politics and Justice in Late Medieval Bologna (Tomaso Perani)

Pietro Colletta, Storia, cultura e propaganda nel regno di Sicilia nella prima metà del XIV secolo: la Cronica Sicilie (Fulvio Delle Donne)

Stringere la pace. Teorie e pratiche della conciliazione nell’Europa moderna (secoli XV-XVIII) (Marco Cavarzere)

Artemio E. Baldini, L’educazione di un principe luterano. Il Furschlag di Johann Eberlin, tra Erasmo, Lutero e la sconfitta dei contadini (Christopher Martinuzzi)

Daniele Santarelli, Il papato di Paolo IV nella crisi politico-religiosa del Cinquecento. Le relazioni con la Repubblica di Venezia e l’atteggiamento nei confronti di Carlo V e Filippo II; Id., La nunziatura di Venezia sotto il papato di Paolo IV. La corrispondenza di Filippo Archinto e Antonio Trivulzio (1555-1557); Id., La corrispondenza di Bernardo Navagero, ambasciatore veneziano a Roma (1555-1558). Dispacci al Senato, 8 novembre 1557 – 19 marzo 1558. Dispacci ai Capi dei Dieci, 4 ottobre 1555 – 13 marzo 1558; Id., La corrispondenza di Bernardo Navagero, ambasciatore veneziano a Roma (1555-1558). Dispacci al senato, 7 settembre 1555 – 6 novembre 1557 (Rita Mazzei)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770