2019 fascicolo IV


Flavia Negro, «Cognoscere per quam viam voluerit». Il problema della libertà nella procedura arbitrale in rapporto alla scrittura (secc. XII-XIV)

In the Middle Ages arbitration is the main dispute resolution tool between institutions, be they ecclesiastical bodies, political parties or municipal cities. The article focuses on a series of juridical features of this institute that have mostly influenced the sources we use to study this topic, their terminology and also their silences. The main question is the extent of freedom available to arbiters, and its link with another freedom typical of arbitration: that of dispensing, to some extent, with written procedure.


Anna Pomierny-Wąsińska, Rationalizzazione dello spazio urbano. La forma civitatis e la misura nelle descrizioni della Milano tardomedievale

This article presents the phenomenon of rationalisation of urban space on the example of late medieval Milan. Its main goal is to discuss and compare the use of mathematical tools and measurements in literary descriptions of urban form created in De magnalibus Mediolani of Bonvesin de la Riva (1288) and Cronica Extravagans of Galvano Fiamma (late 1330’s).


Ondřej Schmidt, Il governo di re Sigismondo di Lussemburgo nel Veneto orientale (1411-1420)

This article focuses on the short rule of Sigismund of Luxembourg, king of the Romans and of Hungary, in the eastern Veneto (esp. in Belluno, Feltre and Serravalle) between 1411 and 1420. Based mostly on inedited sources from the Belluno archive, it attempts to reconstruct the historical developments of this area with a special emphasis being put on the ‘political personnel’ of King Sigismund (vicars and captains). The author shows that most of these officials as well as their garrisons came from the Czech lands. Finally, the structures of Sigismund’s administration and the often difficult coexistence with the local town communities are analysed.



Marcello Simonetta, Guicciardini e la «rovina d’Italia»: venti lettere e un ricordo inedito del Luogotenente

This article sheds light on the role played by Francesco Guicciardini in the last six months of his tenure as Luogotenente generale, on behalf of Pope Clement VII. Focusing on the dramatic period from January to June 1527, this essay unveils a series of letters sent by Guicciardini to the Otto di Pratica, the executive magistrate of the Florentine Republic at this time. These letters were hitherto known only through the drafts kept in the Archivio Guicciardini, but not through the originals sent and received. The overall perspective shifts and reshapes the portrait of the Luogotenente as a man of action who makes bold decisions in order to protect his homeland, Florence, while unwittingly condemning Rome to the Sack.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Anna Benvenuti, Sante donne di Toscana. Il Medioevo (Francesco Salvestrini)

Barbara Gelli, Fra principi, mercanti e partigiani. Francesco Aringhieri politico e diplomatico senese del Quattrocento (Sergio Tognetti)

Michele Camaioni, Il vangelo e l’anticristo. Bernardino Ochino tra francescanesimo ed eresia (1487-1547) (Dennj Solera)

Remo L. Guidi, Jean-Baptiste de La Salle oltre l’agiografia devota (Marco Pellegrini)

Giulia Guazzaloca, Primo: non maltrattare. Storia della protezione degli animali in Italia (Nicoletta Baistrocchi)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


 Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770