Lidia L. Zanetti Domingues, Rituali di liberazione dei prigionieri nell’Italia del Duecento: il caso toscano tra diritto e religione
Rituals of liberation of poor prisoners condemned for minor crimes on the occasion of Christian feasts have not received specific attention in the historiography of communal Italy. Nevertheless, they can foster our knowledge of the Italian late Middle Ages by shedding light on aspects such as the concept of civic religion and the relationship between criminal justice and spirituality in the communes. This article focuses on the origins of these practices, which seem to occur for the first time in 1270s-1290s Tuscany, but which subsequently became common in other areas of central and northern Italy.
Elena Maccioni, La giustizia mercantile a Genova fra XIV e XV secolo: la gestione delle rappresaglie tra normativa, istituzioni politiche e diplomazia
Between the fourteenth and the fifteenth century Genoa, one of the most important cities in the European financial and mercantile context, experienced a series of important local political transformations. These changes had clear effects on legislation, practices of justice and international relations. Starting from the examination of the sources related to the management of reprisals, this study aims to analyse the relationship between economy, political change, institutions and diplomacy.
Alessandro Lo Bartolo, Alessandro de’ Medici e il Dominio Per una rilettura degli inizi del principato (1530-1537)
Alessandro de’ Medici’s rule has been considered for centuries as a black tyrannical parenthesis between the republic’s crisis and the real foundation of the principality operated by Cosimo I. This article aims instead to read this period as a crucial phase of the wider process of consolidation of the Medicean State. Particularly, the understudied documentation produced between 1530 and 1537 by the Florentine magistracies in charge of the Dominio enlightens that the Medici government started to reform the territorial administration towards the financial protection of the subject communities, in order to better assure their collaboration to the prince’s projects.
Anna Nicolò – Domenico Pace, Forme ed espressioni della tutela bibliografica tra il 1919 e il 1948. Il caso toscano
The article is intended to retrace the activity of Soprintendenza bibliografica toscana since 1919 to 1948, which was a fairly significant period for the definition of boundaries and contents of the legislation related to books heritage protection. By means of a survey of unpublished archival documents and correspondence between Florentine superintendents and central units, the authors describe the function of book heritage protection and its effects in Tuscany and the gradual structuring of an administrative apparatus
Yoichiro Kamono, Il libro Debitori e Creditori e Ricordanze A di Francesco di Giuliano de’ Medici: una nuova fonte per il commercio fiorentino con l’Impero ottomano
This paper discusses an account book of Renaissance Florence held by the Center for Historical Social Science Literature of the Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo). It was written by the Florentine merchant Francesco di Giuliano de’ Medici in 1471-1472 when, aged about twenty, he travelled in Turkey for the commerce of wool fabrics produced by the firm of his father. The paper analyzes the contents of the register and compares them with those of other Florentine account books written in Turkey for the same purpose, in order to clarify the development of the Florentine commerce with the Ottoman Empire.
Peter Garnsey, A proposito dei primi abolizionisti della pena di morte: Giuseppe Pelli e Cesare Beccaria
The first systematic attacks on the death penalty issued from Enlightenment Italy through Pelli of Firenze and Beccaria of Milano. Only Beccaria’s work was published at the time. This paper investigates the different circumstances and intellectual influences of the two philosophers, and traces the significance of Beccaria’s work for the history of the death penalty and of his alternative penalty of forced labour, with special reference to the emergence of ‘penal servitude’ in Britain and America.
Recensioni [scarica PDF]
Los agentes del estado. Poderes públicos y dominación social en Aragón, a cura di Mario Lafuente Gómez e Concepción Villanueva Morte (Giuseppe Seche)
Héraldique et papauté. Moyen Âge – Temps modernes, sous la direction d’Yvan Loskoutoff, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (Alessandro Savorelli)
Ermanno Orlando, Strutture e pratiche di una comunità urbana. Spalato, 1420-1479 (Giuliano Pinto)
Enrique Cruselles Gómez, Fortuna y expolio de una banca medieval. La familia Roís de Valencia (1417-1487) (Sergio Tognetti)
Tobias Daniels, Die Verschwörung der Pazzi. Ein politischer Skandal und seine europäischen Resonanzen (Lorenz Böninger)
Paula Hohti Erichsen, Artisans, Objects, and Everyday Life in Renaissance Italy. The Material Culture of the Middling Class (Francesco Ammannati)
Gigliola Fragnito, La Sanseverino. Giochi erotici e congiure nell’Italia della Controriforma (Giovanni Ricci)
Mario Bracci, Carte sparse. Riflessioni, pagine di diario, relazioni, discorsi (1934-1945), introduzione, edizione e note a cura di Stefano Moscadelli (Duccio Balestracci)
Notizie [scarica PDF]
Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770