Maria Elena Cortese, Le frange inferiori della cavalleria nelle campagne toscane: scutiferi e masnaderii tra inquadramento signorile e mobilità sociale (secc. XII-XIII)
The focus of this essay is a category which included armed men on horseback of humble origins but clearly separated from the simple rustici through military practice, closeness to the local lord as well as through their lifestyle. Carrying out armed activities, whether or not within a feudal tie, was the primary and the busiest way for upward social mobility within the rural lordships. The economic growth in the 12th century Tuscany also began to offer new possibilities for economic accumulation and investment and ever faster social mobility in the countryside. From the 13th century onwards the consolidation of the communal power over wider areas of the ‘contado’ opened up to the members of the rural elites a further and more direct channel to access military status.
Renato Pasta, Riflessi d’Oriente: esperienze e memorie di due viaggiatori toscani in Levante (1760-1792)
The essay provides an assessment of the perceptions of the Ottoman Near East in Tuscany and Italy in the late eighteenth century and discusses their diffusion in Europe on the verge of the French Revolution. The text centers on the travel experiences of Giovanni Mariti and his cousin Domenico Sestini in the Levant, Cyprus and Mesopotamia tapping on a rich body of printed and unpublished evidence. By analyzing an extended network of correspondents the essay tries to evaluate the interplay of mobility and information during the late Enlightenement.
Marco Pignotti, Il Meridione ‘accessorio del paese’. L’Italia postunitaria fra nazionalizzazione del Mezzogiorno e politicizzazione di un pregiudizio
The expression ‘Italian dualism’ is responsible for having contributed to building the prejudice of a South characterized only by economic immobility and cultural backwardness. The need to search for the origins of the political use of this prejudice stems from this proven communication strategy. This contribution, in fact, focuses its focus on the chronological segment that ends with the fall of the ‘Destra storica’ from the Unit, because this political phase is identified as a promoter of the stereotypes conventionally attributed to the South. The old ruling class sets up its own electoral campaign (1874-1876) by focusing its political discourse on the superiority of the northern regions, while the ‘Sinistra storica’ responds with an argumentative strategy that overturns prejudice.
Renzo Sabbatini, Praticare la teoria: come il filo di seta ci ricorda Carlo Poni
These pages are dedicated to the memory of the scientific figure of Carlo Poni, in particular by examining his essays related to the world of silk and collected in the volume La seta in Italia. The unifying element of these contributions and their connection with the other main fields of his commitment (research on agricultural issues and dissemination activities with the foundation of the Museo della civiltà contadina and the Museo del Patrimonio industriale di Bologna) was his constant methodological tension. Poni was a well-rounded historian, curious and critical scholar of what he defined as the Scienza del vissuto, which he practiced with extraordinary empathy; his lesson still has much to teach us.
Recensioni [scarica PDF]
Gregorio di Tours, I miracoli di San Martino, a cura di Silvia Cantelli Berarducci (Francesco Borri)
Vittoria Camelliti, Artisti e committenza a Pisa XII-XV secolo. Storie di stemmi, immagini, devozioni e potere ( Alessandro Savorelli)
Premodern Health, Disease, and Disability. Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550, edited by Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia (Lucia Sandri)
Giuseppe Seche, Un mare di mercanti. Il Mediterraneo tra Sardegna e Corona d’Aragona nel tardo Medioevo (Francesco Guidi Bruscoli)
La Disfida di Barletta e la fine del Regno. Coscienza del presente e percezione del mutamento tra fine Quattrocento e inizio Cinquecento, a cura di Fulvio Delle Donne e Victor Rivera Magos (Duccio Balestracci)
Antonello Mattone, Don Juan Vivas de Cañamás. Da ambasciatore spagnolo in Genova a viceré del Regno di Sardegna (Frédéric Ieva)
Giaime Alonge, Un’ambigua leggenda. Cinema italiano e Grande Guerra (Alfonso Venturini)
Notizie [scarica PDF]
Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770