2021 fascicolo IV


Samuele Fabbri, Non perfidior Catilinae coniuratio. La strategia comunicativa di Benedetto XI al tempo della legazione fiorentina di Niccolò da Prato (1304)

The peacemaking mission of the Dominican cardinal Niccolò da Prato, held in 1304, represented one of the key moments in Florentine political history between the 13th and 14th centuries. This article investigates the communication strategy of Pope Benedict XI (former Master of the Order of Preachers) after the failure of Niccolò’s legation. In particular, through the analysis of the Rex pacificus bull, it is shown how the pope attempted to create a negative public image of the black Florentine Guelphs opposed to the cardinal, drawing on themes and figures from the political imagination of Florentine citizens.


Aldo Giuseppe di Bari, Dal Mar Nero a Bologna: un primo sguardo sulla presenza di schiave e schiavi nella documentazione dei secoli XIV-XV

The slave trade in the Late Middle Ages has received consistent historiographical attention and the theme has been the subject of a rich and established scholarship. These works, however, did not take Bologna – a city both far from the sea and distant to the Genoese/Venetian circuits – into consideration in their analysis. By studying a vast range of archival documents, such as sale deeds, emancipation acts and trial records, the present paper explores the connections between the city and the Mediterranean slave routes in order to try establishing the traits and the size of the enslaved population in the area.


Michele Donno, I governi Moro e la crisi economica degli anni Sessanta. La politica finanziaria di Roberto Tremelloni (1964-1965)

Tremelloni was a ‘frontier’ man, because he knew how to reconcile, in his government action, the defense of the market economy and private initiative with reformist policies, open to economic planning. Faithful to Einaudi’s teachings, he joined the social democratic split of Palazzo Barberini and was a protagonist of the De Gasperi governments, but also an active supporter of the ‘organic center-left’. Some measures he promoted during the first two Moro governments, which operated in an unfavorable international economic situation, helped to define the tax system of republican Italy. An economic policy in line with that of other countries belonging to the European Community and which received open US approval.



François Bougard, L’empereur Lothaire rappelle à l’ordre les notaires toscans: Liber Papiensis Loth. 82

A short text attributed to Lothar I by the Liber Papiensis recalls that the dating of charters must include not only the month but also the day of the month: it is aimed at the Tuscan scribes, who it must be understood had deviated from this rule. The analysis of the Lucchese documents shows in fact that the habit of indicating only the month became the majority for about 25 years, until the mid-810s. The last occurrence is in 824, after which the discipline was strictly applied. The capitulum could be assigned to Lothar’s first stay in Italy, in 822-823.



Giancarlo Vallone, Verso una storia costituzionale del Mezzogiorno

The two recent volumes (2018) by Francesco Senatore about Capua in the 15th century, deal in depth, on the basis of a very rich documentation, the institutions of the city, the methods of construction and management of the large district, the tax system, without at all excluding from the evaluation the frequent and repeated quarrels which are wisely  considered structural to this type of overlap of territorial powers. Derives from it the possibility of a new story of southern Kingdom of Italy, in terms of constitutional history.


Anna Maria Voci, Ebreo e tedesco. Un nuovo libro sul giovane Richard Krautheimer negli anni di Weimar

This essay reviews a newly published book of the German art historian Ingo Herklotz on the beginning of the academic career of Richard Krautheimer (1897-1994). Its focus is on the German years of this outstanding German-Jewish art historian (1923-1933), who had to leave Germany in 1933 and lived afterwards in Italy and in the USA. Herklotz shows how Krautheimer’s German years were crucial for his intellectual development and his later achievements, the most important of which was the monumental Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romae.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Corrado Zedda, Ai piedi dell’Apostolo. Sede Apostolica e spazio tirrenico (secoli XI e XII) (Mauro Ronzani)

John Oldland, The English Woolen Industry, c. 1200 – c. 1560 (Sergio Tognetti)

Alberto Luongo e Paolo Nanni, Prato, i pratesi e gli enti assistenziali. Ricerche sugli ospedali e sui ceppi tra XIII e XV secolo (Francesco Bianchi)

Clémence Revest, Romam veni. Humanisme et Papauté à la fin du Grand Schisme (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Ester Camilla Peric, Vendere libri a Padova nel 1480. Il Quaderneto di Antonio Moreto. Saggio introduttivo di Neil Harris (Lorenz Böninger)

Lucrezia Borgia, Lettere 1494-1519, a cura di Diane Ghirardo (Francesca Klein)

Girolamo Imbruglia, Utopia: una storia politica da Savonarola a Babeuf (Giacomo Carmagnini)

Giuseppina De Giudici, Sanctitas Legatorum. Sul “fondamento” dell’indipendenza giurisdizionale in età moderna (Frédéric Ieva)

The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of the Empire, ed. by Christophe Dejung, David Motadel, Jürgen Osterhammel (Alessandro Stanziani)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770