2022 fascicolo I



Ernesto Sestan, Ernesto Ragionieri. Itinerario di uno storico: dalla «Weltgeschichte» alla «Storia d’Italia Einaudi»

On January 10, 1976 the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino organized a commemoration of Ernesto Ragionieri, who died prematurely at the age of 49 on June 29 of the previous year. On that occasion intervened, among others, Eugenio Garin and Ernesto Sestan. The publication of the speeches was not foreseen, although some time later Garin published his own in the review «Belfagor». Sestan’s speech, present in the homonymous archive kept at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, has remained unpublished until today.


Alberto Cotza, I giudici e la città (Pisa, 1100-1140 ca.)

In the period 1100-1140 ca., we observe in Pisa the formation and the consolidation of a new group of judges called «iudices sacri lateranensis palatii». The article seeks to throw new light on their identity, the reasons for their success and the juridical and political questions in which they were involved in order to understand the crystallization of local structures of justice and power in the Regnum Italiae at the beginning of the twelfth century.


Sergio Tognetti, Le finanze dell’ospedale degli Innocenti di Firenze: dalla fondazione alla bancarotta del 1579

The essay analyzes the financial history of one of the most important orphanages of Renaissance Italy: the Spedale degli Innocenti in Florence. Thanks to the survival of all the ledgers of the XVth and XVIth centuries, it is possible to reconstruct the costs of assistance to abandoned children. On the other hand, we can outline the forms of financing provided by private individuals, by the state offices and by the Guild of Por Santa Maria. An apparently arid sequence of financial statements, inventories, bank deposits and current accounts reveals an entire universe made up of administrators, treasurers and accountants who gravitated around what we can define as welfare before welfare in a society of the ancien regime. Not to mention the political implications, given the importance that the Spedale degli Innocenti had in late republican and ducal Florence.


Enrico Landoni, Italia-DDR: il problema del riconoscimento nelle carte del PSI

Only in January 1973 Italy decided to establish normal diplomatic relations with the GDR. The choice, in the end, was to wait for the definitive normalization of inter-German relations, sanctioned by the Basic Treaty and the full implementation of Brandt’s Ostpolitik, before activating any kind of official contact with the East German authorities. For the socialists, however, the Italian government should have tackled the problem of relations with the GDR in a less schematic way, adopting a pragmatic and gradual approach. The article thus aims to analyze the peculiarities of this political strategy through the PSI official documents.



Mafalda Toniazzi, Un processo, un dibattito: l’immagine dell’ebreo attraverso un caso giudiziario (XV secolo)

In Lucca the Mount of Piety and the lending bank of Davide di Dattilo da Tivoli had coexisted from 1489, but in 1493 Fra’ (Friar) Timoteo began preaching violently against usury and for the expulsion of the Jews: this situation brought about a pretextual court case against Davide di Dattilo. In this essay the Autor aims to focus on the court documents, that show what the opinion of the people was in regard to the coexistence with the Jews, the representation of the Jew itself and the influence of preacers and jurists on the public opinion.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Nicolangelo D’Acunto, La lotta per le investiture. Una rivoluzione medievale (998-1122) (Mauro Ronzani)

Alberto Cotza, Prove di memoria. Origini e sviluppi della storiografia nella Toscana medievale (1080-1250 ca.) (Enrico Faini)

Ai margini del mondo comunale. Sedi del potere collettivo e palazzi pubblici dalle Alpi al Mediterraneo, a cura di Simone Balossino e Riccardo Rao (Gian Paolo G. Scharf)

Luciano Piffanelli, Politica e diplomazia nel primo Rinascimento: per uno studio della guerra «contra et adversus dominum ducem Mediolani» (John Condren)

Paolo Sachet, Publishing for the Popes: The Roman Curia and the Use of Printing (1527-1555) (Vincenzo Lavenia)

Ida Mauro, Spazio urbano e rappresentazione del potere. Le cerimonie della città di Napoli dopo la rivolta di Masaniello (1648-1672) (Nicoletta Bazzano)

Emma Rothschild, An infinite history. The story of a family in France over three centuries (Renato Pasta)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770