2015 fascicolo II


Daniele Giusti, Scritture quattrocentesche della famiglia Gaddi: il Priorista e i Ricordi

This article analyses two documents, a Priorista and a Ricordi book,  written by Agnolo Gaddi and his son Francesco, Florentine merchants, most  prominent members of their household during the XV century. Following the work of Cicchetti, Mordenti, and others on family writings, the study shows  the main features of the manuscripts and the connection between the two, along with a survey of some of the studies that have used them as historical sources. In particular, the Ricordi contains a couple of passages which highlight the relations between ‘public’ and ‘private’ in Lorenzo de’ Medici’s system of power, while the document itself can help answer questions on why such documents were written and which criteria were used to sort out the informations to include therein.


Raúl González Arévalo, De las postrimerías nazarías a los albores castellanos. Ambrogio Spinola y la continuidad de los genoveses del Reino de Grenada (1478-1508)

The present article aims to show the continuity of the Genoese of the Kingdom of Grenade from the end of the Muslim era to the beginning of the Castilian times. To do so it makes use of the prosopographical method, comparing documentation from national archives and notarial deeds from Cordoba and Grenade. Thus, through the personal development of Ambrogio Spinola we study aspects as the commercial and financial activities held by the Genoese mercantile community, paying special attention to the connection with the High Guadalquivir through the terrestrial border; the purchase of proprieties in Grenadian soil, a completely hitherto unknown fact which involves deep implications about the evolution of the Nasrid society; it is established the chronology of their presence in the emirate during the War of Grenade; and after the return we outline their adaptation to the new social, political and economical reality, with the diversification of strategies, the wish to integrate in local society and keeping in touch with Castilian and Grenadian elites. Therefore it emerges a completely unknown image, which answers some classic questions of the specific historiography and enriches the knowledge of the Genoese presence in Grenade.


Silvina Paula Vidal, Una revisione delle tesi di André Chastel su alcune rappresentazioni contemporanee del Sacco di Roma

The article explores frames of representation that portrayed the Sack of Rome (1527) as a historical massacre. On one hand correspondences are drawn between images and texts; on the other, some rhetorical and esthetic patterns, which were employed by witnesses to narrate the sack as a limit case (on account of the high level of violence and the extent of deaths), are identified. In this view, André Chastel’s work is discussed in relation to two aspects: (i) the univocal lecture of imperial representations of the sack as a military triumph; (ii) the absence, in the Italian case, of images produced immediately after the event.


Giuseppe Seche, Vicende e lettura di studenti universitari del XVI secolo

The article focuses on the aspects of student life in Pisa in sixteenth-century. The analysis of four letters written by don Jaime Aymerich casts a light on the education’s training, on the academic events, on the readings and on the problems of daily life that a student had to face in a foreign city. The experience of Aymerich, compared with those of other students from the Iberian world, allows us to study the presence of Sardinian students at the University of Pisa and to understand her actors and dynamics.



Marco Vendittelli, Annotazioni ed elenchi relativi alla basilica romana di Santa Maria Maggiore dei primi anni del secolo XIII in calce al manoscritto Vaticano latino 4772



Eugenio Riversi, La memoria dei Canossa. Saggi di contestualizzazione della Vita Mathildis di Donizone (Enrico Faini)

I comuni di Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur. Percorsi storiografici (Giuliano Pinto)

Valerie Theis, Le gouvernment pontifical du Comtat Venaissin vers 1270-vers 1350 (Simone Balossino)

Paolo Grillo, Milano Guelfa (1302-1310) (Sergio Tognetti)

Sylvain Parent, Dans les abysses de l’infedelité. Le procés contre les enemis de l’Église en Italie au temps de Jean XXII (1316-1334) (Francesco Pirani)

Carteggio degli oratori sforzeschi alla corte pontificia, I, Niccolò V (27 febbraio 1447-30 aprile 1452), a cura di G. Battioni (Emanuele Catone)

Federica Veratelli, À la mode italienne. Commerce du luxe et diplomatie dans les Pays Bas méridionaux, 1447-1530. Édition critique de documents de la Chambres de comptes de Lille (Maria Paola Zanoboni)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770